Unit 2 Reflection: Social Networking


As someone who has always been interested in building social media presence, learning how to properly use LinkedIn was a very relevant experience. I discovered how to make a competent LinkedIn profile, how to stand out on the platform, and the steps to take in order to effectively use the platform to build relationships. After this assignment, I became more aware of the importance of LinkedIn and this motivated me to be more active on it even when I am not job-seeking.

The 12-15 page formal report seemed like a long, daunting task at first. However, the step-by-step process has help me better control the process and my schedule. My first report proposal was surrounding issues at my workplace, however, after feedback from my instructor, I went with a better topic that is more suitable for a formal report of this nature. I believe this new topic will offer more for me to write and research on, however I still have worries about whether I will be able to have enough material to reach 12 pages. Hopefully, with the addition of visuals, headings, and bulleted lists, 12 pages will end up being a reasonable length.

During the peer review process, I learned a lot from Catherine Yu’s proposal. Catherine’s proposal was very articulate and well put together. Her research topic was interesting and relevant, and the stated process is well thought out. Compared to her’s, my first proposal was lacking. Reading and peer-reviewing Catherine’s work really helped me develop a better second proposal. From the peer review process, I learned not only to edit my peer’s work, but it also aided me in producing better work myself.

All in all, unit 2 has not only helped me develop my technical writing skills, I learned valuable social and job-seeking skills as well through the LinkedIn exercise.

Please find the link to my revised proposal and outline below.

Proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/21/formal-report-proposal-5/

Outline: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/29/formal-report-outline-2/


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