About Me



Hello everyone!

My name is Jenny Li. I am currently a 4th year psychology major. Last spring and summer, while spending much of my time at home, I have taken an interest in business, particularly content creating on social media. At that time, I was thinking about which field I wanted to minor in and I stumbled across UBC Sauder’s Bachelor’s + Masters of Management dual degree program. I wanted to try something new, something different from what I would learn in the Arts stream of psychology, but at the same time would allow me to borrow key ideas and theories from what I have learned in my major. Although I love psychology, I have begun to realize that further education in psychology into Masters and PhD is not what I look forward to. I am much more eagar to start something I can call my own. This is the reason I decided to study some business as well.

Many successful entrepreneurs did not have formal education in business and I believe one with a multidisciplinary educational background may offer more perspectives and a better variety of skills than one who only studies business. For instance, learning more English may help improve commucational and analytic skills that are essential for business related occupations.

When it comes to my personal interests, I adore literature. I love to read and I love films. My hobbies include enjoying a hot cup of coffee with a book in my lap or binge watching tv shows on Netflix. At the moment, I have not had many chances to write for my own enjoyment, but I hope to one day have my own fictional book or short story publications. I hope that this blog will allow me to step into that creative realm and build something that I can be proud of.