Best Works

This page features a collection of my best technical writing works over the period of the course ENGL 301.

Definitions Assignment

This assignment provided my first experience of professional writing guided by an instructor. It allowed me understand the importance of clear and concise professional writing. Catering writing to a target audience was also relevant in this assignment.

View Definitions Assignment Here

Best LinkedIn Practices

This assignment was an opportunity to discover the most optimal ways to use LinkedIn, a powerful professional online networking tool. This research was an eye-opening experience and drove me to increase effort into LinkedIn.

View Best LinkedIn Practices Here

Memo to Evan Crisp

Writing this memo helped me learn how to effectively use the You-Attitude in my writing. This assignment was very enjoyable as it provided the opportunity to edit and give suggestions to someone elses’ work.

View Memo to Evan Crisp Here

Complaint and Adjustment Letters

This assignment mimicked professional writing that could commonly occur in daily life. It was interesting to think about the complaint situation from the persepective of the person receiving the complaint and how what they might say in response.

View Complaint and Adjustment Letters Here