Link #5 Mode Bending

I found Georgia’s mode bending post very interesting! She redesigned the task by creating a poem about what was in her bag. This was a completely different approach than my own. I explained the story behind different items in my bag where she left her bag much more open to interpretation. Georgia does express in her reflection that this could ultimately create confusion. I enjoyed her poem and guessed what items may be in her bag based on my own experiences of an active outdoor lifestyle and some of her other descriptions. My guess is that the items are different than what I am picturing. It begs the question though, do the items themselves matter in this case? From the poem I was still able to discern that she is active, outdoors, snacks often, connects with family, teaches, and that the bag is full and heavy! This redesigned task fits in with the idea I pulled from the New London Group (1996)that we are part of multiple life worlds and that our identities have multiple layers that are complex and related to each other (p.71).  Georgia’s poem depicted how her bag held the key to these multiple layers and created a picture of how they are all jumbled and packed together to form who she is. Her post made me think about how I could use the same technique to share my multiple life worlds and identities.


The New London Group.  (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. (Links to an external site.)  Harvard Educational Review 66(1), 60-92.

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