Business Ethics


Ethics are briefly about what is right and wrong or good and bad. Business Ethics is a term often used to refer to ethical or unethical behaviors by employees of commercial organizations.

On 15th March, 2011, CCTV reported that Henan MengZhou etc Pig farm using “lean meat powder” to rise pig, and these toxic pork into ShuangHui (which is a famous pork brand in China). Also, some researches indicated that “lean meat powder” would generate hazards, cause people poisoning and lead to long term consumption variable, induce chromosomal and malignant tumor and so on. After eating those “toxic pork”, at least 70 people have fallen in ill in China.

What is more, swill oil was used in many small restaurants in China. It is bad for human health and may cause cancer. According to the report, the swill-oil business is extremely profitable, and the profit is almost 200%! That is why many businessmen love it.

According to the following examples, for those shortsighted companies, they just considered to increase their profits and ignored the business ethics. However, they did not know that these immoral behaviors could lead to serious consequences afterwards. As a result, most of these companies bankrupted or lost the confidence among consumers. Just like Milton Friedman said, ” Business managers should not break the law or engage in fraud or deception. ” They should maximize profits for shareholders, while following certain social customs.

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