Pepsi vs Coca-Cola

coke_vs_pepsi_chart   Coke-or-Pepsi

    Coca-Cola company, founded in 1892, which is the lagrest beverage companies in the world. The Pepsi company is created and developed in 1893, Pepsi-Cola  Made with Real Sugar” as of 2014. So the Pepsi Cola’s consumers are younger than Coca-Cola, and the new generation preferer to drink Pepsi-Cola. The more sweet taste and more creative advertisements all attract the young generation to choose Pepsi. As seen the advertisement video for the Pepsi-Cola, it used this kind of consumer preference to let the young generation chose the Pepsi-Cola rather than Coca-Cola. It is a kind of market positioning. However, in order to attract the young people, the Coca-Cola company is trying to change its market position. So, it creates more fashionable, creative advertisements nowadays, followed by inviting some more popular celebrities to be the spokesperson.

However, Pepsi-Cola cannot catch up the Coca-Cola until now. The biggest difference of market strategy between them is that Coca-Cola always tries to develop its overseas market while Pepsi company does not, its main market always focus on the U.S.

On the other hand, these two biggest beverage companies have a common threat: more and more people persue healthy lifestyles with the improvement of the living standard. As a result, they are not willing to buy those unhealthy carbonated drinks, and the share of carbonated drinks would continuously decrease.

In the future, these two companies should have more corporations to improve the food value , and change the product position of cola to a healthy product.




Figure 1 “Coke or Pepsi?”  By JAMIE WAYNE

Figure 2  Coke vs. Pepsi: the new cola wars”  CNN Money

“Cola War”   Wikipedia

“Battle of the brands: Pepsi vs Coke Advertisements”  By Hongkiat Lim. Filed in Inspiration



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