Commons on an external blog: Do You Fear A Job or Career Change


Business Blogs: Do You Fear A Job or Career Change Posted on October 23, 2014 .



This blog states one common phenomenon: majority of modern people fear to be fired and resist career change. I think this topic is interesting and valuable to be discussed.

One saying is mentioned in the blog: “Fortune favours the bold”, “Fortune favours the brave”, “Fortune helps the brave”, and “Fortune favours the strong” – Wikipedia. The blogger thinks that the brave and successful people always like to work in different environment as well as meet different challenges because they can achieve much job experience. Also, I really love what the blogger said: “if you don’t accept the change and continue in the job or career you don’t like or is clearly on a highway to nowhere – what will be the outcome – and that is probably more risky than proactively accepting change.” In addition, after knowing about the entrepreneurial experiences for sauder alumni, I summarized that most of them have much working experience in various companies before starting up their own business. Therefore, career change is encouraged for young people.

However, which kind of employee that a company actually need? Experienced people or the one who is modest to learn everything? Honestly, I’m not sure. I think that young people do need to change a few different jobs to accumulate work experience. But, staying in a company for such a long time is more likely for a person to study the core value of a company. That is the reason to illustrate why most people choose to work in 2 to 5 companies insead of more than 10  when the professor asked in a Commerce 101 class.


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