New brand positioning for LG

Positioning is used as a communication tool to reach target customers in a crowded marketplace.           ——- By Al Ries and Jack Trout


LG is introducing a new “It’s all possible” brand positioning that will set next to its “Life’s Good” strapline across all future marketing activity, which has been designed to bring more warmth to the brand and “make people smile”. Mackay says: “This is more about sugar coating the ‘Life’s Good’ positioning and bringing it to the front by partnering it with messages about making you smile with the possibilities of tech. It’s all about making life easier and more enjoyable – you’ll notice that even out logo is smiling at you.”

This strategy changes the traditional impression for the customers to the electronics market. For other electronic brands, they talked more about their technology. Actually, their products do not meet the customers’ needs or create the greatest satisfaction. LG introduced this new brand positioning improves the customer relationship, and it is the most important aim for product positioning. However, the LG company should spend more afford as well as money on the propaganda. They can focus on the advertisement after the new product positioning was introduced. As a result, it will attract more people to be the loyal customers to this brand.


1.  Positioning  —— as popularized by Al Ries and Jack Trout

2.  LG rolls out new positioning to add ‘warmth’ to the brand  ——-Fri, 2 Aug 2013 | By Lara O’Reilly


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