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Trying Something Different

2010 March 26

I’m very interested in the idea of trying something different but we still have the chance to put the knowledge and skills we learned into practice. While we are trying new things, we can also gain new experience along the way.

Yes, we are still young and we should never feel afraid of risks and failures. We can never truly grow up after experiencing those downturns in our life. Trying new things will help us further our strengths and dig out our potentials. We might be surprised by ourselves which might change our whole life. Additionally, it’s a good way to find ourselves the field that we are truly willing to devote to.

I, myself, have always been dreaming about helping people who are in need of help regardless of races, genders, ages, religions and etc and devoting to the world development. I find indeed happiness inside after helping others and I really want to devote myself into that field.

I feel so motivated after hearing someone having the same idea and trying his best to fulfill it. Best wishes to him and everyone else who is trying to do the same thing!

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