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My Carbon Footprint

2010 April 10
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My Carbon Footprint is 5.009 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Through the items in the calculation, I was able to know what’s good and what should be changed.

Firstly, I’ll definitely keep walk as my first choice of commuting and will encourage my friends and family to walk with me. But  for the long distance travel, its hard to change some basic transportation tools, however, I believe we do have the chance to encourage innovation in motive power of transportations in order to decrease CO2 emissions.

Moreover, during summer and winter, I should always keep an eye on the use of air conditioner and heater to maintain a suitable temperature. Also, It will be better to use double pane windows and figure our what kind of draft-proof my home is using and whether there is any better way to make it more sustainable. And for the hot water use, increasing the efficiency of washing machine and water heated as well as wrapping the water heater will help a lot.

Last but not the least, as suggested, questions about diet should be frequently asked to keep a relatively low food-print, such as what changes could I make to have a more locally-produced, vegetable-based, low carbon diet? And what benefits does that lead to for my personal health, my local economy and community, and the world at large? And maybe create a personal green plan as a guide.

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