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Amazing Creative Packaging

2011 March 17
by Jenny

I was captured by the blog posting A girl’s best friend 🙂 of Vivian. She talked about how the tiny blue box with the white ribbon from Tiffany&Co could relate every generation of customers and influence them to purchase it. And yes, I also fell in love with the packaging right after I saw the picture and just as she described, I would be really happy to get the gift with this packaging regardless what would be inside. And yes again, that’s the power of packaging.

I started to search for some creative packaging and  found the video below about soda seal packaging and it is really really amazing.

YouTube Preview Image

Also there are some other eye catching ones.

Gloji Light Bulb Bottle

In originally designed light bulb shaped bottle, Gloji drink is all about energy, antioxidants and balanced health. Interesting package makes this product different from other drinks on the market.

Nike Stadium Packaging

Limited number of Nike shoeboxes were transformed to house a stadium within by inserting a printed sheet of the stadium interior with embedded sound chips. So you could hear the crowd go wild when the box was opened.

More could be found here:

With the increase in people’s disposable income, creative packaging design is playing a more and more important role nowadays when customers make their purchasing decisions on non-essential products. The more creative the packaging are, the more attractive the products would be and the more desire and willingness customers would have to impulse them to make the purchase. And that is exactly the second step of promotion: getting the interest from customers. It is also a critical step to convert customers’ feeling “I like it” to “I want it” as we discussed  in class about the AIDA model.

Creative Packaging also develops a positive and fresh image of the company. Customers would unconsciously get imprinted the idea that this company is trying their best to keep up with the ongoing trend and update their  products to add variations to the market. We like surprise and interesting products and creative packaging could be a really good tool in assisting promotions but never try to overdo.

One Response leave one →
  1. February 27, 2012

    This is really interesting take on the concept.I never thought of it that way. I came across this site recently which I think it will be a great use of new ideas and informations. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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