Posted by: | 18th Oct, 2010

In browsing through a few of my classmates blogs I came across some posts on beer advertisements. In Josh’s Marketing Blog he comments on a Guinness advertisement about sharing with a friend or two.

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As Josh points out, this commercial is “INAPPROPRIOT to say the least.” He then comes to realize how this commercial is effective through analyzing the Four Ps of the Marketing Mix.

With some research i found some more beer commercials that were interesting from a marketing standpoint.

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My personal favourite beer commercial isn’t one where women are portrayed as sex symbols and profanity isn’t used as an excuse to by beer. The beer commercial that appeals to me the most has to be:

Every Time I watch this commercial I get a chill run up and down my spine. There is something that just gets to me, even if I just hear the background music I feel proud to be Canadian. Not knowing exactly what it is that appeals to other than the awesomeness of Canada, I decided to look at the segmentation strategies used.

This ad uses mass marketing using a undifferentiated segmentation strategy within the Canadian market. This ad shows how Molson Canadian is gives everyone an scene of national pride and by drinking their beer you will supporting Canadian farmers and taste what Canada is all about.

It is Geographically segmenting Canada and dwelling on the self-concept that many Canadians are proud to be from Canada. Diving into the lifestyle of Canadian adults, exploring our country and living in “our backyard”.

Molson does an outstanding job segmenting to their consumers and communicating to them that their product is strictly Canadian.

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