Posted by: | 3rd Oct, 2010

Marketing includes Packaging, Packaging is a trick!

Nowadays, all goods and services are not just simple goods and simple services; they are all packed in order to explore more markets, increase the market distribution and sell more. For example, the Baby Carrots. Without packaging, they are just simple and fresh baby carrots, but after packaging, they are all become snacks and seem really cool. It is because, as we all know, baby carrots contain cellulose different types of vitamins that are very healthy, and grow ups and healthy eaters are the main customers of baby carrots. But now, teens, who have less interests in healthy food (I don’t know why!), are targeted by Baby Carrots and it is repacked as a kind of junk food.

OK the introduction is long enough. Before I start to explain my ideas, I want to show a short video first. This video is taken by a passenger who took Cebu Pacific flight. This video is about how the FAs showed the safety instructions of using airbags and masks before the plane took off.

Youtube Cebu Pacific FAs dancing, “Survival Dance”.

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Funny isn’t it? Safety instructions are always boring and identical(which I never pay attention on it), but this video shows a redesigned instructions “Survival Dance” acted by some beautiful FAs. In fact, this dance can definitely entertains the passengers, and attracts them to take Cebu Pacific next time.

You may argue that this dance will destroy the “high-class”, professional image of taking a flight, but the question is,”who set this image?” When we look back  to the age before air transport and international travel become popular, we can see the airline companies’ marketing strategy: taking flight was luxurious, taking flight showed your authority, and only taking flight took you to every continent. It sounded really cool, and that was why airline companies charge high prices in air ticket, so many people still bought it. Now taking flight is as common as visiting grandpa (especially for international students), then have a new marketing image could be a good strategy. Honestly, I really hope Airline Canada or Cathay Pacific can do the same thing, or make something even more inspiring, then i may have more motivation to go back Hong Kong……

P.S. In the dance, the background music is Lady Gaga. Famous artist and fast rhythm also make any shows attractive, and attractiveness always mean sells more!

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