Posted by: | 23rd Sep, 2010

Marketing guru Seth Godin

When I have started to touch Marketing last year(just for fun), I heard about Marketing guru Seth Godin. This guy is awesome, check him out:


And also there is his Marketing Blog:

Why I know this guy? Last year I read about his article about his concepts of Marketing that inspires me so much(I still keep this article!), but now I can’t find the article online now, so I want to type it out and share with you guys.

Marketing has long relied on the four P’s – product, price, promotion and place – as an organizing prinicple. but the marketing guru Seth Godin on his blog suggests a more fruitful taxonomy would be these five elements:

Sometimes thought boring and thus overlooked, data can be powerful, telling you what is actually happening. WalMart uses data to decide whether the promotion at an end of an aisle is working. Google Adwords advertisers use data to decide whether certain copy delivers clicks and sales. Retail archaeologist Paco Underhill observes people in stores and uses that to invigorate stores.

These define everything you say and do, because humans crave stories. “The product has a myth, the service has a legend,” he writes. Stories and data form the two building blocks of your marketing , while the remaining three elements are built upon them.

These are the physical manifestation of your story. If your story is that you are cutting edge and faster, newer and better than your competition, than your product better exemplify that claim. And your story should tout something exceptional – average products for average people is an all-too-common story, but it doesn’t spread. “When in doubt, re-imagine the product. Push it to be the story, to live the story, to create a myth,” he urges.

These are all the tactics you use to actually touch the prospect or customer. Interactions range from billboards to the approach you take to an overdue bill. There are many interactions and most of them are cheap. But make sure they don’t undercut or contradict your story.

The end goal is to make a connection with your customers. But you also want to inspire a connection between your customers, creating a tribe of people who wish each other well and want to belong to this group of users. get the first four steps right and you may have a shot at this level of enlightenment.

<<By Seth Godin>>

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