Slap slap Slap

Slap Chop – Such an amazing tool and popular.  Due to their frequent promoting commercials on tv, Slap Chop became a sensation in 2008 when Vince Offer made his appearance to promote the slap chop.

Here is a link to friend who also found Slap Chop interesting:

Thanks Kathy for the video. And yes I watch this commercial really often on tv. And I do own the slap chop and the graty. Adding on to your point about target audience, I agree that they do target housewives and mothers. I think they show this commercial during mornings and early afternoons when most housewives are home. Then again, I think they also target people who live by themselves and will need a handy device to make their food. Thanks again!

One promotional strategy that Slap Chop uses in their commercials is the classic line: “If you call now, we will give you the graty AND an extra set of the slap chop + graty absolutely free!”  Housewives especially may want to go for the best deal and may go for this deal and purchase a set of slap chop.

Think the way how Slap Chop is promoting their product is successful?  At least I think the commercial leaves a lasting image in consumers’ minds.  It will probably be a good topic to talk about with friends and what you see it in stores, you may think “OH!  I heard about this before”

1 Comment so far

  1. Tamar on January 23rd, 2011

    Yes, it’s an interesting promotional strategy! I think it has been very successful for the company in terms of both brand awareness and sales. Vince is hilarious, and the remixes of his famous pitches further extend awareness of and affiliation with the product.

    Good post lengths, and good job of linking to a classmate’s blog. Keep up the good work, Jerry.

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