Ads Everywhere?

This post was inspired by the courtesty of Ting Ting from this blog post:

I was in Hong Kong for like most of my life and I witnessed how advertisements and promotions were growing in the society. Here are several pictures of the Hong Kong’s “Skytrain” if you want to describe it that way (actually called MTR).

They try to utilize all their space and available area for advertisements. Since Hong Kong is a really packed city, a lot of people will need to use the train to move to places. Advertising on the train is the most suitable area. This can maximize the amount of exposure for the advertisements.

If we look into the macroenvironment’s demographics that these advertisements want to target towards, it is quite noticeable that demographics of all sorts of people are available on the MTR.  I see that most of the people ranging from kids to elders take the MTR as their main mean of transportation.  Well actually there are quite a range of people that advertisements on MTR cannot target such as wealthy/upper class people who ususally have a private car to move around to places.

How about Vancouver?  Does Vancouver have this type of advertisements on trains too?  Well, yes the skytrain does.  Since I’m from Hong Kong and lived here for a few years, I can make some general comparisons.  In Hong Kong, I must say that the advertisements are everywhere in the train station and on/in trains.  For the skytrain here, we still see quite some advertisments here and there but really not as many as Hong Kong trains.  If transit makes the space around the train station and in/on trains, they may earn more money!

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