Archive for February, 2011

Super Bowl ads

Why are super bowl ads so popular?  Why do companies use so much money in making their ads for the super bowl?  Looking at the statistics: around 111 million viewers in the United States!  ( That is around 1/3 of the US population watching the super bowl.  Of course companies would want to take this advantage and set their commercials at this time to capture most of their target audience.  In particular, I love this commercial:

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This is the new Volkswagen model’s commercial.  It seems to be targetting the audience pretty well.  From the commercial, we can see the father playing around with the kid in the end.  As it looks to me that they are targeting the fathers in families.  I assume that mostly the people who watch the super bowl are men who are already fathers already.  This commercial captures pretty much all of its target in the United States. 

The general impression I get from my friends about this commercial is how adorable that child in the Darth Vader costume is.  I was once like a hardcore Star Wars fan so I liked this commercial.  Perhaps, this commercial may possibly appeal to all the Star Wars fans out there.  And if moms are watching this commercial at home with their husband, this commercial may appeal to them too if they also find the child adorable.

Think this is a great commercial?  Check out more of the 2011’s Super Bowl commercials here:

Blogs for Bills

This is probably awhile ago but ever since I started blogging, my friends tell me that I can actually start making money just from blogging!  Isn’t that great?  Bloggers just blog for fun or just for leisure but now, just from blogging you can actually earn money.  And Google recently just updated their Google Adsense page to v3.  Read more about it in BLOGS@DiGiTSS:

So here is what Google Adsense does:  Bloggers can use Google adsense onto their blog.  Google Adsense will then generate a number of advertisements on the Bloggers’ blog pages.  The advertisements are smart in a way (because they are programmed to), where it will display advertisements that is related to the blog post or blog content.  Isn’t that great?  When viewers go on a blog, they will see advertisements that they may be interested in since they are reading something similar in the blog.

From the advertiser’s point of view: Great!  the advertisements are generally getting exposed to the main target audience.  This saves them time and effort to look just for the suitable target market.

From the blogger’s point of view:  Great!  advertisements help me generate revenue and I don’t even have to write up blogs just to cater towards certain advertisements.

Downsides to Google Adsense:  I actually tried using Google Adsense in the past.  But the sad thing was that the blogger gets paid by the amount of clicks and views from their blogs to the company’s websites through the advertisements.  Meaning that if your site is not popular, you will not earn much revenue.  But I guess that bloggers’ main purpose of blogging is not for the money but for leisure.

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