Hello Kitty @ Sephora

Although I don’t buy many products from Sephora, I still occassionally do when I have to buy presents for my friends.  As I was walking around Richmond Centre today, I was browsing around and I saw a giant Hello Kitty on the glass window on Sephora.  I thought it was such a creative marketing idea.  This new line extension in Sephora really gives a large positive impact on its consumers.  Even thought a guy such as myself isn’t the primary target for Sephora, but I was interested in it.  I guess this marketing strategy really would attract new customers or innovators into Sephora.

Adding onto my previous post, this is another example of non-celebrity advertising.  This is probably a growing trend with using cartoon characters in its products.  To differentiate Sephora from its competitors such as MAC and other beauty product retailers, the new Hello Kitty product line combines the image of Hello Kitty into its products.  Hello Kitty‘s brand by itself already adds value in its products.  With Sephora carrying the brand name, it adds even more value to the product.  This tells consumers that it is trustworthy, reliable and good quality.

Hello Kitty‘s image probably targets younger consumers.  But thinking about it, it could also target older women too.  There is a simple reason behind it.  Isn’t beauty and cosmetic products about trying to make the individual more young looking than old?  Using this figure in the sense of beauty products is really smart I think.  It tells people to think “Hey! I’m not that old, I can still use these young and cute products for myself!”  Just like their slogan “Hello Kitty Beauty!”

1 Comment so far

  1. […] writing this blog post, I found one of the classmates was commenting on the same topic ” https://blogs.ubc.ca/jerrychung/2011/03/14/hello-kitty-sephora/” . In this blog post, I will explain the three main reasons why I think Sephora is doing a […]

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