Non-Celebs on Ads

Wanting to comment on Amanda’s blog post here.  In the same situation as Amanda, I always have to commute to school and I see the Beard Papa’s ads on the sides of the skytrain.  I agree with Amanda that there are  advantages in using non-celebrities on advertisements.  And possibly celebrities can cause a dissociative image for the company if the unsuited celebrity was chosen to be presented in the advertisements.  BUT!  it is different when a company use a non-celebrity in their advertisements.  Since they have no news and unknown to the audience, they won’t have a risk of being a dissociative member.  In contrast, they may not be as well as an aspirational member as celebrities.

I want to turn to a different perspective to an example from HK.  High school Tutors on advertisements.

The advertisements are displayed and showed all around in Hong Kong like on giant billboards, sides of busses, posters around the city and many more sources.  The tutors display themselves as if they were celebrities.  I think it is a really creative idea because it attracts the target audience really well.  High School Tutors would want high school students as their consumers and would want to appeal to them.  High school students wouldn’t want the classic teacher image from their tutors.  As a reult, the tutors “branded” themselves as a different type of educator and creates a relaxed feeling for high school students.  I think the Hong Kong’s tutoring industry is doing really well because I heard the high school curriculum is really difficult so there is a demand for these tutors.

To read more about Hong Kong tutors on advertisements, try this blog here.

2 Comments so far

  1. Paulina Tsui on March 17th, 2011

    lol It sounds like it could be unethical by using hot tutors to appeal to high schoolers haha.

    It reminds me of how real estate agents have their faces on bus stops too.

  2. jerrychung on March 22nd, 2011

    Yeah it is probably unethical but Hong Kong people still accepts it

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