Old Spice!!!

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When I watched that commercial one year ago, I kept my eyes on the whole commercial and was so interested.  The developers of this commercial was really creative and was just out of the box compared to its competitors.  I think this promotion idea made a lot of people interested in the product.  Old Spice also made several other commercials that had the similar concept as this original one.  This commercial’s target audience is probably for adults for both women and men.  The actor’s first line was “Hello Ladies”  This line obviously  presented as an opening that attributed for women who are in a relationship already so that they would buy Old Spice products for their men.  This commercial also appeals to men because men would want to have an ideal body like the actor by using Old Spice products.

The promotion side for this commercial was straight forward and was to the point.  Unlike other commercials, this commercial is short and simple.  Although the commercial did not show the price and place but the promotional and product side of the commercial really brought forth its point.  The promotion was creative and made the audience appeal to the product.  From one of the 5C’s: Channel, channel was important as well.  This commercial was shown in movie theatres, tv, facebook, tweeter, youtube and probably other sources as well.  As its target audience are adults, these channels are suitable since most adults will come into contact with those sources.

Please share your thoughts and ideas about this commercial!

1 Comment so far

  1. kathywong on January 11th, 2011

    Hi Jerry, yes this is a popular commercial and I have watched a few myself. I think this commercial is definitely very creative and deviates from the traditional ways of promotion. I noticed as well that this product focuses more on the ladies instead of the male population. I believe this is sort of like the “Baby Carrots” ad we were talking about in class today where they were trying to focus on the children instead of the parents (which was usually their main target as they are the ones that buy the snacks and groceries). The theory is similar in that the “Baby Carrots” ad focused on things other than the healthy factor, which parents are concerned about but rather focused on the children and how cool it would be to have carrots for snacks. Similarly, Old Spice’s commercial targeted the female audience to buy it for their male partner instead of promoting directly to the main users (which probably already purchase it). I’m not sure if the repetition the actor used was on purpose so that the audience would remember the ad well after the ad has passed, but it certainly did work for me. Thanks for sharing!

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