The Elephant in the Room


Category: Uncategorized

Blog Post #6 | Looking Back

Here’s to the end of my Comm 296 journey. It was a short and fulfilling experience, broadening my perspective of the marketing world. One major takeaway from this class would definitely be the time spent on our group projects. Along with my fellow group members, our project’s focus was on the retail fast-fashion giant, Zara. […]

Blog #2 | Sponsored Tweets: $13,000 in 140 Characters

Fun fact: You can get paid as much as $13,000 for a single brand endorsing tweet. Before you start flooding your Twitter feeds, waiting for the $5,000 offer to roll in, you need to be famous first. By famous, I mean CRAZY famous, with hundred of thousands of followers in your pocket. With the increasing […]

BLOG #1 | Sex Sells, But Should It?

The ad below demonstrates the use of sexual innuendo in today’s advertising world. From designer perfume to beverages, advertisers use sexual images to pitch their products and ideas to the masses. Yes, sex sells. Renowned men’s magazines like FHM and Maxim have experimented with the covers of their magazines. When a sexy, half-naked woman adorns […]

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