Week 6 (Part 1): What went right

Last week I still focus on the soybean market. I get information that more farmers want to plant soybean in the next period. If more farmers are plant soybean, it means that the supply will be bigger than the demand, at last the soybean price will be decreasing. In other hand, despite the soy boom of recent years, a shortage of suitable land means growth prospects are limited. So, there is no many suitable land to plant soybean, in short term soybean price will still go increase, because in recent market, the soybean supply is less than the demand, the relationship between supply and demand determine the high price of soybean.

Last week, I choose two November long soybean contracts in October 23th and offset in October 27, 2012.

Contract      Position      Price in    Price out      Gain

S2X         Long          1532       1565      1649*2=3298

Therefore, in last week, I still gain money in soybean market. It is so exciting. Good luck next week~~~~

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