Week 7 (Part 1): What went right

Last week, I still pay my attention on the soybean market. I choose two long position soybean contracts. In my opinion, China, as the biggest importing soybeans, it is necessary to consider. China recently is preparing for 18th CPC National Congress, this is a very important conference in China. Therefore, in this special period, China will tied to encouraging economic data and hope everything looks better in this period , So as to enhance public confidence.

In other hand, from the Internet I get a information that China will harvest a smaller soybean crop this year than in 2011 because of fewer plantings in a key province.

I think these two factors will lead to the big demand in soybean market , in the world market, the demand is larger than the supply, the soybean price will be increased. So I choose long position soybean contract last week.

Time in      Time out    Contract   Position   price in    Price out   Gain

10-31-2012   11-01-2012   S2X        long      1534       1536       99*2=198

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