Who needs Pepsi, when you’ve got COKE!

As I jog my memory and try to recall a single memorable marketing campaign that stands out amongst the thousands bombarded at me throughout the years, I immediately think of this animated commercial advertisement by Coca-Cola.


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Watching it again for the first time in years, I am amazed by the sheer brilliance of it all. Although we all know this is not reality of the internal mechanics of a soda vending machine, it does provide a great storyline which helps adds character to the brand.  Not only are we able to observe the bottling process, we also glimpse at all the intricate details and precision of work being carried out by the cute little Coca-Cola mascots at each stage along the assembly line. Of course, not to mention that by utilizing these adorable fuzzy winterland creatures, children and teenagers are even more captivated by the brand.

Aside from being a sucker of all things ‘cute’, I firmly believe that the marketing team strategically designed a powerful advertisement that did ultimately add to the overall value associated with brand. In addition, the enticing theatrics and elements of mystery in this ad assisted the company in setting themselves apart from competing brands.  Not to mention, Coca-Cola’s most recent campaign, “Open Happiness”, has been a great success. Whatever they’re selling, customers seem to keep on buying, so they must be doing something right!