Satisfries, satisfy everyone!

Burger King’s Satisfries demonstrates a value proposition that Burger King holds. Since there has been increasing awareness about health issues in consuming fast food, consumers want to have a healthier alternative. Burger King is responding to that through Satisfries, French fries that has a lower fat and calories percentage as opposed to its major competitor, McDonalds. Burger King’s move may gain a competitive advantage as they are responding to the external factor faster. This too, may gain some of McDonalds market, as consumers may prefer to switch to a “healthier” junk food.

However, Satisfries is still not known yet, even within Burger King’s employees. Employees refer to Satisfries as “crinkle fries” instead of its real name. Employees, being one of the key resources, should be able to market the product’s name as well in order for the product to be known within society. They could have done that in order to better deliver the value proposition the product offers. If Satisfries is known, people can refer that name to an image of healthier fries, creating distinctiveness amongst fries from other brands. It is especially important given that people do not taste any different between the original and new fries (see video). This allows people to still enjoy the same good fries but feeling less guilty.

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Burger King’s Satisfries

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