Unmotivated employees?

This is a post made in response to Yu Tung Liu’s post “Workers’ Dissatisfaction from Poor Business Management”.

It is crucial for companies to maintain employees motivation. In reality, there are cases where workers think the reward they get is not equal to the workload they receive (Yu Tung Liu’s post par.2). According to Adam’s Equity theory, workers are motivated only if there’s fairness in remuneration packages. Hence, the statement holds true that employees will be less productive if they don’t receive what they think is fair.

Motivation techniques may be employed by management in order to address this problem and this is not limited to financial motivation. Establishing a positive organizational culture may help such problem through the positive working environment where employees will enjoy working in. This is seen from DreamWorks Animation, a company that allows employees to take part in giving ideas and development training courses. These acts provide a chance for personal growth for employees, allowing for job empowerment and enrichment respectively. Such non-financial motivations may be an incentive for employees in the company to be more productive. Additionally, these forms of motivation may fulfill an employee’s esteem needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of need, which will further their productivity. This shows how management may address motivation issues beyond the extent of rewarding in monetary form, but also in the form of knowledge and responsibility.


Article source: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/jobcenter/workplace/bruzzese/story/2012-07-22/dreamworks-values-innovation-in-all-workers/56376470/1