A “Digital Detox”

In the article “Taking a break from digital overload“, Leah Eichler discusses how our generation is too engaged into the digital world and that many advantages can actually come from taking a break from all the technology. Who isn’t a victim of digital addiction? I’m constantly addicted and attached to my Blackberry day and night, and without it – I feel like a part of me is missing.

Although having an online connection is becoming or already is a crucial tool in the business world, Eichler talks about finding a balance. As the electronic devices we hold in our hands are sometimes a necessity for communication and organization, the engagement may be becoming too much.  The article says that technology can heighten our productivity, but can definitely make us unproductive as well. Adrienne Graham, CEO of a business strategy consulting firm, allowed herself and her employees to take time off work and leave their tech-filled lives. The result after break? A boost in creativity and motivation to start work without “the usual stalling and dreading”.

I think receiving a “digital detox” and disconnecting from devices can help businesses and regular individuals uncover how they can become efficient and discover what they are able to do without technology. A more productive team can always lead to careful analysis of company performance, which can result in many benefits for a company.

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