Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneur? If you asked me what this term meant a week ago, I would’ve thought it had to do with being social and talkative to become an entrepreneur. Well in some sense… it incorporates the act of being social, but it’s far more than that.

A classic definition would be: a person who uses creative business practice to start a social services organization. It is someone who acknowledges a social issue and uses entrepreneurial fundamentals to create and manage a venture to make a social change. These are people who are ambitious, results-oriented and mission driven. They really want to seek out societal change. A typical entrepreneur would base their success off of profit and return, but for a social entrepreneur – they base their successful impact on positive returns to society.

I think these individuals are extremely respectable because not only do they carry the leadership characteristics of an entrepreneur, but they represent a vision and purpose to their goal – a goal that’s not to maximize profits.

I may be dreaming too big, but with the experience and education I get here at Sauder, I hope to make a social impact for some people around me, if not our generation.


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