Sudden Realization

A recent iClicker question stumped me.

What motivates you the most? a) Money? b) Power? c) Other?

You would think that as an amateur business student, I’d click money or power. Yes I do want a stable job in the future with good money, but for some odd reason – I didn’t hesitate to press “other”. I know the other two options are not my priorities, but at that moment I didn’t know what my “other” was…

Money, in some sense, is a contributing factor to finding a job, but it’s definitely not EVERYTHING. Happiness is part of it. Making just the right amount of money would give me opportunities to play a charitable and supportive part to society, rediscover and rekindle passions of mine, and experience cultures through travel. In my opinion, I hold happiness at a much higher importance than money or power. I would not leave a happy job for a job that would give me more pay. Success is not necessarily defined through wealth or title advancements, there’s something more to it.

An article on the top 10 jobs that make people happy made me realize that money is not the only factor.

Maybe this has sparked a little reflection in you. Take time and think about it. 🙂

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