Archive for October, 2012

Response to “Is Google As Great As People Gather?”

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Did the privilege of convenience turn into an invasion of privacy? In John Lee’s blog on “Is Google As Great As People Gather,” people are forced to really think about what they are giving away as they perform a simple “google search” online. Google’s monopoly over the internet search engines has gathered so much power that […]

Response to “Stuck In A Consumerist Society”

Monday, October 8th, 2012

While I stumbled upon Anna Zhao’s blog on “Stuck In A Consumerist Society,”  it suddenly struck me on what our society has become, on what we have become. The power of media, of marketing, has led the behaviors of consumers to a whole new level. It is not simply about what we need and what we want […]

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