Response to “Stuck In A Consumerist Society”

by Jessie Lin ~ October 8th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

While I stumbled upon Anna Zhao’s blog on “Stuck In A Consumerist Society,”  it suddenly struck me on what our society has become, on what we have become. The power of media, of marketing, has led the behaviors of consumers to a whole new level. It is not simply about what we need and what we want anymore, but rather about the revolution of our wants.

The example of the iphone used in Anna’s post is perfect, as a newer version of it comes out more than every year. What are consumers, including me, chasing after? A slightly faster speed? A bigger screen? Or is it the square edges instead of the round? The truth is, even though these features are nice to have, consumers really are going after the “name” that symbolizes the latest version, that symbolizes innovation. 

Businesses know very well this weakness of consumers, utilizing it as far as from fashion to technology. However what really drives this phenomenon going are the consumers. Consumers are helplessly stuck in this cycle of consumerism of buying and purchasing, with most of them being reluctant to get out of it. So what can we do to help put a halt to this consumerist society? Pehaps that is solely up to the consumers themselves.

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