Archive for November, 2012

Black Friday at Walmart

Monday, November 19th, 2012

What’s more exciting than Black Friday this time of the year? This year, Wal-Mart has decided to go about the popular Black Friday a different way: by announcing the deals on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day at 8 p.m. This is the earliest Wal-Mart has ever revealed its deals, compared to the 10 p.m. last year. This decision […]

IKEA regrets use of forced labour in East Germany

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

Furniture giant IKEA expressed regret and remorse that it benefited from the use of forced labour in the communist East Germany. The use of forced prison labour in the 1960s was quite common, with IKEA being one of the many companies that utilized it. The company recently released an offiicial report stating that East German prisoners, with […]

Response to “Hostess Twinkies CEO tripled salary to $2.5m while preparing to file bankruptcy”

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

How can the Hostess Twinkies CEO triple his salary while filing for bankruptcy at the same time? And even worse, blaming the union workers for his failure? As people are frenzying over the discontinuation of the good old Twinkies snacks, perhaps not a whole lot have paid attention to its CEO  and his tripled salary […]

RIM. A Dying Cause

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

RIM is trying to make its way back in the cellphone market with its new free call feature on BBM. Despite continuously losing market shares to smartphone giants like Apple and Samsung in the past few years, RIM still has a great advantage in developing countries where texting is an expensive luxury. In countries like […]

UrtheCast: Everything is about to Change

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Humans are about to view the Earth in a whole new way. UrtheCast, the Earth video camera, is about to launch the world’s first high-definition video platform of Earth that is streamed from space. With the help of prominent aerospace partners RSC Energia and RAL Space, UrtheCast is building two cameras onboard the International Space […]

Awareness, Action, Change: Energy Aware

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Energy Aware is a company founded in 2005 that is based in Vancouver, BC. Seeking to connect people to resource conservation, the company is working on being the most innovative developer of the “residential demand-side management products.” So what’s so special about this green company? It is founded by our very own Sauder graduate, Janice […]

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