UrtheCast: Everything is about to Change

by Jessie Lin ~ November 8th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Humans are about to view the Earth in a whole new way.

UrtheCast, the Earth video camera, is about to launch the world’s first high-definition video platform of Earth that is streamed from space. With the help of prominent aerospace partners RSC Energia and RAL Space, UrtheCast is building two cameras onboard the International Space Station. This revolutionary device will allow videos of Earth be streaming across the globe. Not only can it be accessed on the web and smartphones, it can be used in aid of educators, environmental services, and humanitarian relief organizations.

Wade Larson is UrtheCast’s director, co-founder, and executive vice president. As a Sauder graduate, Larson has over 17 years of space experience at the Canadian Space Agency and at MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Corporation. One might ask why he would quit his job and take the risk to invest in something that has never been done before. The answer is simply because it is his true passion and he sees the magnificent success in the future.

In the beginning of 2013, one medium-resolution and one high-resolution camera will be launched to space by the Soyuz Mission and be mounted to the underside of the Russian segment of the Space Station. In the beginning of 2012, people will be able to see the stories of earth like never before.


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