Week7:What went right.

This week my equity increased from $ 28429.91 to $33063.01.

The main gain is due on my close interaction with the market.

The form below shows the movement of my trading account during this week.

Date  Symbol Status Price in Today’s Price Gain/Loss
10.29. S2X Short 1541.5
  W4K Short 860.25
10.31 S2X offset 1541.5 1539.5 +99
  S2X*4 long 1539.5
11.1. S2X*4 offset 1539.5 1562 1124*4=+4496


1. Movement1 Short on soybean (10.29.)

Last week soybean experienced a big increase. So I held the short contract expecting it will turn to decrease this week.

What enhanced my speculate is that there is a news saying on 29th Oct, “Soybeans fell for a third session in Chicago as rains forecast for this week in South America may help improve growing conditions.” (http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-10-28/corn-soybeans-decline-as-rains-may-boost-brazil-crop-prospects)According to my analysis, the market is looking at right now is the crop and planting conditions on Brazil and Argentina, so the rains forecast in Brazil may be pushing prices a bit lower.

As expected, the price of soybean plunged at the beginning of this week.

2. Movement2 Long on soybean (10.31.)

A nice shot on 10.31.!

After 2 days’ falling, the price of soybean rises again. These days I paid close attention to the trade market. Considering the psychological activity of the speculators,  I offset the short contract and went long on the soybeans.

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