Week 9: What went right

This week my equity increased from $39071.77 to $39584.47. The key point is the golden principle—“Buy Low Sell High”.

The form below shows the movement of my trading account during this week.

Date Symbol Status Price in Price out Gain/Loss
10.18 W4K Short 860.25
11.15. W4K Offset 860.25 855.5 +237.5
11.16. S3F Long 1368
W4H Long 848

1. Why go long soybeans on Nov.16th

The USDA’s November forecasts of the size of the 2012 U.S. corn and soybean crops were larger than expected, particularly for soybeans. As a result, the general downtrend in soybean prices since mid-September has accelerated, with January futures now at the lowest level since June 29.

Because of this news, last two weeks the price of  soybeans has experienced a big drop. So I thought   the speculator way to picking the bottom of falling markets.







2.  Why go long wheat on Nov.16th

On Nov 15th , there is a news that U.S. wheat feed and residual usage will reach 315 million bushels this year, far surpassing the 150 million-bushel average for the last 10 years. That means wheat for Livestock Feed Estimated to Rise Sharply. ( According to World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) referenced by Lisa Elliott, a commodity marketing specialist and assistant professor at South Dakota State University. )

So I went long on wheat expecting to pick the bottom of falling wheat markets too.




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