Email Memo – Submission of Application Letter

To: Erika Paterson

From: Junelie Guevarra

Date: January 26

Subject: Submission of Application Letter


As required for Lesson 1.2, all English 301 students must complete an application letter to be considered for the position as a team member on a professional writing team. Please see the attached application letter which expresses interest in applying for the position.

The attached application letter includes:

  • Volunteer experience 
  • Professional job experience
  • Assests and areas to improve

Thank you for taking the time to read my memo.  Please advise if any further information is needed.


Enclosure: 301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

Letter of Application

2125 Main Mall 

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

January 25, 2023


English 301

University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC


Subject: Professional Writing Team Candidate

Dear English 301 students,

Your posting for a Professional Writing Team Member indicated requirements that have matched my background and skill sets needed for this position. 

For the past 3 years, I advanced my skill set to better understand the needs of youth living within South Vancouver and the Sunset community as the current Young Adult Settlement Counsellor for South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH). I have previous experience in administrative tasks including writing emails, grants and reports. I regularly create detailed posters for upcoming events and workshops for young adults and youth. I proofread scholarship applications for high school youth and provide feedback on how to improve their writing. In addition, I draft emails to external community partners to announce upcoming workshops for high school youth. I manage a professional social media account to promote community events. In relation to group projects, I collaborated with multiple people in academic and professional settings. For example, I wrote an extensive psychology research paper in collaboration with other team members.

I volunteered for BC Children’s Hospital. I focussed on their outreach initiative called RICHER Initiative located in the Downtown Eastside. I volunteered with South Vancouver Neighborhood House (SVNH) as a Learning Club tutor at John Oliver Secondary and as a Homework Club Facilitator at the SVNH. Being in a teaching position has taught me how to be an encouraging presence amongst other people. Volunteering within the community taught me the value of a safe environment for positive change. An area to improve in my writing capabilities is learning how to develop a professional tone.  

With great communication skills, work ethic and the ability to work under pressure, I could meet your expectations of what a Professional Writing Team Member should be. You can reach me at Thank you so much for your time and considering me for this opportunity.


Junelie Guevarra

301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

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