Unit Four Reflection Blog


Creating a Web folio was challenging as it was difficult to find a layout that would suit a professional work Web folio. It was a struggle to write using a professional tone and required multiple revisions before submitting assignments. It is fulfilling to display past work and achievements. The comparison between original assignment posts and revised assignments display the improvement from feedback from the instructor and through peer reviews. 

Your self-assessment should include some discussion on how your skills and strengths as a student support your future career, volunteer or educational goals.


I am very eager to learn new skills and adapt to different working environments as every term, instructors and professors alike have different expectations. Improving communication skills will be an asset when communicating with coworkers and potential employers. I demonstrated collaborative teamwork skills while working with the Writing Team SJGG. To collaborate effectively with coworkers, I improved the ability to examine and provide constructive criticism.

Unit Three Reflection Blog


Learning how to create a memo using the YOU attitude was an essential aspect for the peer review. The first assignment for unit 3 required the use of imperative verbs while avoiding the use of second-person pronouns that refer to the recipient, Evan Crisp. Understanding the important details of what to include in a professional email is also important. In this case, Evan Crisp was missing the polite and positive tone used in the YOU attitude. Other details such as the course name and introducing himself as a prospective student to the professor was lacking. During the process of improving the student’s email, there were helpful tips given that can be useful for future emails. These tips include making sure the writing is concise, using a positive tone, and giving constructive criticism in a way that does not hurt the recipient’s feelings. By incorporating these tips, can further develop my professional communication skills in the workplace and effectively convey messages in a positive and respectful manner.


Creating a formal report draft was a challenging task. However, by using the outline, it was easier to formulate the structure of the report. Selecting which question to include as an illustration figure was a difficult decision as it needed to reflect the direction of the report. There were certain limitations such as the short period time for survey collection which felt constrained. As a result, it did not seem like a large sample size for the report. Despite this challenge, it was enjoyable to make correlations using the collected survey data. Researching articles for a literature review was a difficult as there are not many articles related to impact of the  quality of resources for graduating high school students on their decision to go to various post secondary institutions. However, the survey data demonstrated that decisions between university and college were dependent on the reputation of the post-secondary institution. Overall, the process of creating a formal report draft required careful analysis and examination  to ensure that the report was informative and insightful.


It is exciting to review a group member’s work and see their progress throughout the term.  The peer reviewed report draft thoroughly explained the significance of accessible resources to learn about political parties’ platforms. The report highlights the age demographic between 18 to 24 years old had the lowest rate of voting, which made this topic more relevant. The practice of making suggestions and evaluating other people’s work also facilitated the improvement of my judgment for my formal report draft. By asking similar questions, it allowed reflection on how to improve the report draft. Overall, it was a valuable learning experience to pinpoint certain sentences which need to be more concise and how to write a peer review using the YOU attitude. Overall, reviewing a group member’s work was a valuable learning experience which contributes to the improvement of the development of my writing skills. 


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