Unit One Reflection Blog

Writing the first draft of the Technical definition

For this assignment, I had to choose a technical term used in a specific field or in academia. I chose to write definitions on the term, Agnost, which is used in the Brain Dysfunction field. There was a lot of other terms which had to be simplified in order to make it easier to understand. Words such as neurotransmitter, receptor may not be known words but it is necessary to explain what Agonist is. I was familiar with sentence definitions and parenthetical definitions. However, expanded definitions were more challenging. I learned that expanded definitions have specific sections such as the history of the term, Example, Analysis of Parts, Required Conditions, Negation and Compare and Contrast. These sections’ purpose is to further explain what the technical term is. The first draft of the technical definition was a challenging process but I learned to be more specific in my writing. 

Peer Review Process

In this part of the assignment, I had to assess a team member’s Technical definition of Judicial Review. I learned how other people write their own definitions. It was interesting to read their Example section regarding the historical importance of a Judicial Review.Through this process, I was able to critique another team member’s definitions. Being on the other side of the process by giving criticism rather than receiving it was enjoyable. I have learned how to implement the same critiques to my own writing in order to better spot certain imperfections within my writing. 

Revision Process

I was appreciative of the criticism that was given to me to better understand how to improve my writing. After examining my team member’s critique of my writing, I was able to see the gaps within my writing. There were typos and I learned that I should be conscious of proofreading my work more carefully. While I tried to be concise, I forgot that I should be more specific and detailed in sections such as the scenario section.

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