Unit Four Reflection Blog


Creating a Web folio was challenging as it was difficult to find a layout that would suit a professional work Web folio. It was a struggle to write using a professional tone and required multiple revisions before submitting assignments. It is fulfilling to display past work and achievements. The comparison between original assignment posts and revised assignments display the improvement from feedback from the instructor and through peer reviews. 

Your self-assessment should include some discussion on how your skills and strengths as a student support your future career, volunteer or educational goals.


I am very eager to learn new skills and adapt to different working environments as every term, instructors and professors alike have different expectations. Improving communication skills will be an asset when communicating with coworkers and potential employers. I demonstrated collaborative teamwork skills while working with the Writing Team SJGG. To collaborate effectively with coworkers, I improved the ability to examine and provide constructive criticism.

Unit Three Reflection Blog


Learning how to create a memo using the YOU attitude was an essential aspect for the peer review. The first assignment for unit 3 required the use of imperative verbs while avoiding the use of second-person pronouns that refer to the recipient, Evan Crisp. Understanding the important details of what to include in a professional email is also important. In this case, Evan Crisp was missing the polite and positive tone used in the YOU attitude. Other details such as the course name and introducing himself as a prospective student to the professor was lacking. During the process of improving the student’s email, there were helpful tips given that can be useful for future emails. These tips include making sure the writing is concise, using a positive tone, and giving constructive criticism in a way that does not hurt the recipient’s feelings. By incorporating these tips, can further develop my professional communication skills in the workplace and effectively convey messages in a positive and respectful manner.


Creating a formal report draft was a challenging task. However, by using the outline, it was easier to formulate the structure of the report. Selecting which question to include as an illustration figure was a difficult decision as it needed to reflect the direction of the report. There were certain limitations such as the short period time for survey collection which felt constrained. As a result, it did not seem like a large sample size for the report. Despite this challenge, it was enjoyable to make correlations using the collected survey data. Researching articles for a literature review was a difficult as there are not many articles related to impact of the  quality of resources for graduating high school students on their decision to go to various post secondary institutions. However, the survey data demonstrated that decisions between university and college were dependent on the reputation of the post-secondary institution. Overall, the process of creating a formal report draft required careful analysis and examination  to ensure that the report was informative and insightful.


It is exciting to review a group member’s work and see their progress throughout the term.  The peer reviewed report draft thoroughly explained the significance of accessible resources to learn about political parties’ platforms. The report highlights the age demographic between 18 to 24 years old had the lowest rate of voting, which made this topic more relevant. The practice of making suggestions and evaluating other people’s work also facilitated the improvement of my judgment for my formal report draft. By asking similar questions, it allowed reflection on how to improve the report draft. Overall, it was a valuable learning experience to pinpoint certain sentences which need to be more concise and how to write a peer review using the YOU attitude. Overall, reviewing a group member’s work was a valuable learning experience which contributes to the improvement of the development of my writing skills. 


Unit One Reflection Blog

Writing the first draft of the Technical definition

For this assignment, I had to choose a technical term used in a specific field or in academia. I chose to write definitions on the term, Agnost, which is used in the Brain Dysfunction field. There was a lot of other terms which had to be simplified in order to make it easier to understand. Words such as neurotransmitter, receptor may not be known words but it is necessary to explain what Agonist is. I was familiar with sentence definitions and parenthetical definitions. However, expanded definitions were more challenging. I learned that expanded definitions have specific sections such as the history of the term, Example, Analysis of Parts, Required Conditions, Negation and Compare and Contrast. These sections’ purpose is to further explain what the technical term is. The first draft of the technical definition was a challenging process but I learned to be more specific in my writing. 

Peer Review Process

In this part of the assignment, I had to assess a team member’s Technical definition of Judicial Review. I learned how other people write their own definitions. It was interesting to read their Example section regarding the historical importance of a Judicial Review.Through this process, I was able to critique another team member’s definitions. Being on the other side of the process by giving criticism rather than receiving it was enjoyable. I have learned how to implement the same critiques to my own writing in order to better spot certain imperfections within my writing. 

Revision Process

I was appreciative of the criticism that was given to me to better understand how to improve my writing. After examining my team member’s critique of my writing, I was able to see the gaps within my writing. There were typos and I learned that I should be conscious of proofreading my work more carefully. While I tried to be concise, I forgot that I should be more specific and detailed in sections such as the scenario section.

ENGL 301: Response to Writing Team Invitation

To: Gareth Yuen

From: Junelie Guevarra

Date: February 1, 2023

Subject: ENGL 301: Response to Writing Team Invitation


Dear Gareth,

Thank you for your invitation to join your writing team. 

Your academic experience as an English major would be a benefit to the team. Your abilities working in fast paced environments and being adaptable are exemplary. Likewise, my professional experience working with high school youth has enabled me to be flexible. By having a wide range of experiences working in Hong Kong would enhance the team dynamic. 

I look forward to collaborating with you on our writing team.



Junelie Guevarra

ENGL 301

ENGL 301: Invitation to Writing Team #2

To: Gabriella Generoso

From: Junelie Guevarra

Date: February 1, 2023

Subject:  ENGL 301: Invitation to Writing Team


Dear Gabriella,

I have assessed your application for the position as a member in a writing team. The writing team currently has another member, Salma Ismail. I believe your exemplary skills of writing briefs and proposals can bring value to being a collaborative member in the writing team.  Your experience being in a collaborative setting with 10 individuals is impressive. Your experience working with a diverse group of individuals as a Retail Manager while working towards a Bachelor’s Degree shows excellent time management skills.  

I would like to extend an invitation to you to join my writing team. I have attached my application letter for your reference. Let me know if you are interested in joining, you can reach me at guevarrajunelie@gmail.com.


Junelie Guevarra

ENGL 301

Enclosure: 301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

ENGL 301: Invitation to Writing Team #1

To: Salma Ismail

From: Junelie Guevarra

Date: February 1, 2023

Subject: ENGL 301: Invitation to Writing Team


Dear Salma Ismail,

I have reviewed your application as a potential member for the writing team. I applaud your work as a settlement counsellor in the non-profit sector. You would be well-suited on the team as we come from similar professional backgrounds. Similarly, I have administrative experience which includes writing final reports for grant funders. Your knowledge and expertise regarding grant writing and reports would be a great addition to the team.

I would like to extend an invitation to you to join my writing team. I have attached my application letter for your reference. Let me know if you are interested in joining, you can reach me at guevarrajunelie@gmail.com.


Junelie Guevarra

ENGL 301

Enclosure: 301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

Email Memo – Submission of Application Letter

To: Erika Paterson

From: Junelie Guevarra

Date: January 26

Subject: Submission of Application Letter


As required for Lesson 1.2, all English 301 students must complete an application letter to be considered for the position as a team member on a professional writing team. Please see the attached application letter which expresses interest in applying for the position.

The attached application letter includes:

  • Volunteer experience 
  • Professional job experience
  • Assests and areas to improve

Thank you for taking the time to read my memo.  Please advise if any further information is needed.


Enclosure: 301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

Letter of Application

2125 Main Mall 

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

January 25, 2023


English 301

University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC


Subject: Professional Writing Team Candidate

Dear English 301 students,

Your posting for a Professional Writing Team Member indicated requirements that have matched my background and skill sets needed for this position. 

For the past 3 years, I advanced my skill set to better understand the needs of youth living within South Vancouver and the Sunset community as the current Young Adult Settlement Counsellor for South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH). I have previous experience in administrative tasks including writing emails, grants and reports. I regularly create detailed posters for upcoming events and workshops for young adults and youth. I proofread scholarship applications for high school youth and provide feedback on how to improve their writing. In addition, I draft emails to external community partners to announce upcoming workshops for high school youth. I manage a professional social media account to promote community events. In relation to group projects, I collaborated with multiple people in academic and professional settings. For example, I wrote an extensive psychology research paper in collaboration with other team members.

I volunteered for BC Children’s Hospital. I focussed on their outreach initiative called RICHER Initiative located in the Downtown Eastside. I volunteered with South Vancouver Neighborhood House (SVNH) as a Learning Club tutor at John Oliver Secondary and as a Homework Club Facilitator at the SVNH. Being in a teaching position has taught me how to be an encouraging presence amongst other people. Volunteering within the community taught me the value of a safe environment for positive change. An area to improve in my writing capabilities is learning how to develop a professional tone.  

With great communication skills, work ethic and the ability to work under pressure, I could meet your expectations of what a Professional Writing Team Member should be. You can reach me at guevarrajunelie@gmail.com. Thank you so much for your time and considering me for this opportunity.


Junelie Guevarra

301 Junelie Guevarra Application Letter

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