
The purpose of the Web Folio is to present past professional work and projects that I have worked on. The Web Folio highlights experience within the nonprofit field and establish a professional platform for readers to easily access. 

The home page introduces the purpose of the Web Folio and provides detailed information about the author of the Web Folio including work experience. The works and projects tab highlights past projects and events I have worked on. The associated organizations tab redirects readers to 2 organizations such as South Vancouver Neighbourhood House and RICHER clinic. The Revised ENGL 301 Work presents updated assignments based on feedback from the instructor and team members.


Currently, I work at a non-profit organization within the Association of Neighbourhood Houses. As the Young Adult Settlement Counsellor provides support based on the needs and challenges which newcomer young adults face when settling into Canada.  My duties include providing feedback for resumes, cover letters, and managing a professional social media account. 

 The link redirects readers to my LinkedIn profile which outlines work experience,  professional skills and past post secondary institutions I attended.


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