Online Resume


1866 Main Mall

Vancouver, BC 

Phone: 111-222-3333


Objective A developmental worker position in a Community Services organization leading to community outreach leadership.

2020 to present

2018 to 2020

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC     Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a Minor in Family Studies, Anciticapted graduation June 2024. Grade point average :3.6 with a possible 4.00.

Langara, Vancouver, BC     Associates Degree in Psychology. Grade point average: GPA: 3.4 with a possible 4.00


2023 – 

2020 – 2023

2020 – 2020

2019 – 2020

2018 – 2019

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, Vancouver, BC

Young Adult Settlement Counsellor. Responsible for creating settlement plans for newcomer young adults, planning events related to employment and post secondary needs. 

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, Vancouver, BC

Worked as a Youth Programmer. Responsible for recruiting youth volunteers, supervising youth volunteers and implementing new volunteer programs across 3 catchment areas. 

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, Vancouver, BC

Worked as a program facilitator. Responsible for setting up classroom and overseeing the progress of children’s academic performance.

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, Vancouver, BC

High school tutor for Newcomer Learning Club program. Tutored newcomer youth  in school subjects such as Math, English, Social Studies and Science

BC Children’s Hospital, Richer Initiative Clinic, Vancouver, BC

Volunteer receptionist. Working with marginalized population of families in Downtown Eastside and providing childminding services while caregiver is in clinic.

Leadership First Aid & CPR/AED Level C, 2021


Fluent in English and Tagalog

References Available upon request.

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