Works and Projects

Young Adult Settlement Services

Career Exploration Lab program enables newcomer young adults to receive feedback regarding resumes, cover letters and interview skills. Newcomer young adults require support with job searching, and exploring new careers. 

Spring Into Wellness Event

The event aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health while providing tools and resources for newcomer youth and young adults. Providing guest speakers and therapy dog teams opened the mental health conversation for newcomer young adults who may feel overwhelmed with the transition to Canada. Talking about mental health can be a difficult conversation especially for immigrant and refugee young adults as mental health can be a “taboo subject” or non-existent in their culture. 

Southside Hub Grand Opening

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House celebrated the opening of a second location called Southside HUB. The main purposes of the second location is having a second preschool for families living within the Sunset area, expanding newcomer youth programs and youth volunteer programs. SVNH invited community members, families, constituencies, external organizations such as VPL, VSB workers, and executives from ANHBC

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