Task 6: An Emoji Story

Click here to view the emoji story.

I used https://emojityper.com to complete this assignment after finding it difficult find specific emojis or quickly realize if they exist on https://emojikeyboard.io/ . I think this was at least partially due to my unfamiliarity with emojis available as I rarely use them preferring just to use text in texts, emails or IMs, though I do enjoy the “verbal-visual pun” of memes (Bolter, 2001, p.53). I did start with the title as it was a small chunk of the story (start with a small success for motivation). I chose the work as it was one that is fairly well known of the media I am currently consuming, had a plot that was fairly “school appropriate,” and I thought I would be able to visualize it. I started the movie Encanto but couldn’t decide how I wanted to represent the title (as a magic house, as singing notes, or as a family) or the various characters. I did not use any syllables but did one sound alike representation in my story. Mostly I chose emojis to convey ideas using some punctuation to help particularly to make an idea using more than one emoji using parentheses. I struggled with the preset nature of the emojis and having to find the best emoji to fit especially when large ideas like protests were not available. In this it is similar to the typesetter changing words as he doesn’t have sufficient “g”‘s for a specific text. Images alone constrain the ability to transmit ideas to their fullest the same way text alone can also constrain ideas. Bolter (2001) echos this by indicating that adding images to printed text was a great achievement while moving this forward to indicate that “breaking the rules” of traditional printing in digital media by amateurs allows for “typographic freedom” (p. 49).


Bolter, J. D. (2001). Writing space: Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print (2nd ed.). Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. doi:10.4324/9781410600110

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