Linking Assignment #4

Task 7: Mode-Bending

Erin Duchesne, linked above, re-imagined her what’s in your bag challenge as a TikTok and I was inspired by her assignment when deciding to do my fake TikTok challenge on iMovie. I chose to use iMovie as I didn’t have a TikTok account and wasn’t sure about the ease of editing or importing on TikTok. However, using TikTok like Erin would have made it more real looking and limited me to 3 minutes of video.

I really like how Erin had edited her video together with short clips with the short text phrases, music, picture like clips and text to speech voice. It made the clip very engaging to watch for those with short attention spans compared to my 4.5 minute mostly music-less video. Adding background music to my video would have been difficult given some of the object sounds and the piano clip. The use of these various elements in Erin’s video required careful editing, as she describes, to ensure the short text was properly timed with the clip and the voice, whereas my editing could be more flexible. Also since Erin used text to voice and focused on the objects in the video she did not need to put her image or voice online maintaining her privacy online, an affordance of the technologies she chose. This would allow students who don’t feel comfortable filming themselves, like me, to create a video without being personally recorded. Neither of our videos shared near as much obvious information about ourselves as the original assignment, though my video had clips of my house and me that could be used to infer just as much if not more information than the original assignment.

The narration I provided in my video is likely able to be enjoyed without the visual, whereas Erin’s video would be more difficult to understand as a person with visual impairment as the objects are not identified audibly. On the other hand, a person with hearing impairments would be more likely to comprehend the written text plus the visual images of Erin’s video compared to my clips that lose meaning without the narration.

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