Linking Assignment #1


Task 5: Twine Task

Jessica Presta, linked above, and I both focused on a simulation game for health professionals for the task five Twine. Jessica’s game focused on four cardiac arrest scenarios that a nurse may need to manage. Jessica exemplified the affordances of Twine by adding sound, gifs, and images which helped to create engagement with the Twine. I particularly liked that her images were a necessary part of the Twine (to see the heart rhythms) rather than just ornamental. This helped the user to engage in the whole scene presented and made the simulation more realistic. The sound effects added pressure as they simulated those alarms heard in the hospital.

Jessica indicated in her post “one of the limitations of this platform is the inability to link to content outside of the game for purposes of individual study or expanding on the concepts encountered in the game” (Presta, 2022). However my Twine was able to link to a variety of reference webpages by using a modified code I found to open a link in a new tab (<a href=””; target=”_blank”>Click here</a>) but the author did specify that it may not work in all browser configurations potentially leading to Jessica’s assertion (Greyelf, 2015).

Both of us also found that the exacting nature of the HTML coding in Twine was frustrating at times and both of us relied on resources and examples found online to use Twine to create our games. Jessica later posted the storyboard and html used in her game which helps to give back like those examples that we used initially.


Greyelf [username]. (2015, June). External links in Harlowe [Online forum post]. Twinery.

Presta, J. (2022, June). Task 5: Twine Task. UBC Blogs.




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