Facebook Inc. is an successful internet company in the silicon valley. It holds one of the world’s website that provides a social network service. As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users. How did the company develop so quickly and more interestingly, how did Facebook Inc generate profits through its marketing strategy.  The website was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 when he was a second year student at Harvard. Soon he drop of college and started his own business because there is a extremely large market and tones of opportunities.  The company has been repositioning its target consumer continuously since it was founded. Originally, Facebook only offer membership to Harvard students. This would be a typical marketing position used by a start up company which tend to have a more specific and narrow group of target customers. Shortly after its launched, Facebook expanded its potential users to other colleges in the Boston area, and then Ivy League. As the user among keeps increasing, it continue to boarder its user range to Standford University at the west coast. Finally, after a few year Facebook is introduced, it is available for anyone who is aged 13 or above. According to Social Media US Today, as of April 2010, it is estimated that 41.6% of the U.S. population has a Facebook account. The successful experience of the Facebook demonstrated that a small start up company can temporarily focus its target market at the beginning. It will able be to expand and reposition if the product is valuable and highly demanded  by customers.

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