An unexpected low inflation rate in EU.

Even with the help of Federal Reserve which bought large quantities of government securities, America was still considered as the country with the highest rate of inflation. However, recently, the inflation rate of America dropped to the lowest level within the several decades. Similarly, other European countries reached their lowest inflation rate as well, such as 2.2 percent in Britain, 0.6 percent in France, 1.2 percent in Germany and 1.3 in Spain. The lower oil price and durable goods price are the two main factors of holding down the inflation rate. The most surprising part is that even the costs of health care service just increased 1.1 percent from the last year in America.

In my opinion, the low inflation rates in those countries both have pros and cons.  Consumers will have higher purchasing power and the unemployment rate may decrease because of the low inflation rate. However, the low inflation rate will result in a relative lower economic growth rate(can be referred as the GDP growth rate). All the governments should balance the advantages and disadvantages of the low inflation rate according to their domestic scenario.



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