EU leaders tackle youth unemployment rate together.

These years, the youth unemployment rates of many European countries have increased a lot. For example, the youth unemployment rate in Italy increased from 4.4 percent in 2012 to 40.4 percent. As a result, leaders of state of government from 24 of the EU’s 28 member states had a meeting together and carried out a scheme which to deal with this terrible problem. In this scheme, EU members agree to pledge 24 billion euros to provide the following three priorities: training and education, employment guidance and creating opportunities for young entrepreneurs.

I really appreciate this scheme because I think both young entrepreneurs and governments can benefit a lot from it. Getting job opportunities from the government will positively impact the young people because they can gain lots of job experience after leaving their universities, meaning that they will have a better future. In terms of the government, the lower rate of youth unemployment rate, the lower the crime rate in its country.




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