The purpose of 15 tons of 5 cent coins.

On October 4th, 8 million 5 cent coins were dumped on the city’s street by protesters in order to strive for minimum income for every Swiss household. Switzerland, one of the most richest countries in the world, does not have any law which aims to ensure households’ income. As a result, more than 100000 citizens signed their signatures in order to support this event.

The enactment of the minimum income will cause both positive and negative effects. As everyone has extra income, all the thieves and criminals may stop committing which leads to a more peaceful society. On the other hand, workers who used to have low income and work in bad conditions may stop working because they have enough money to cover their daily expenses, such as cleaners and builders. As a result, the labour force of the country  decreases and result in the decrease of GDP growth rate. In addition, some of the citizens may spend their extra money on bad things, such as drugs.

Overall, I believe the government of Switzerland should prepare many precautions in order to prevent from the side-effects of the minimum income.


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