The Success of IKEA

October 5th, 2013 § 0 comments

IKEA, a Swedish furniture giant, is recently selling solar panels in their Britain stores, which creates its new market of renewable energy. As mentioned in the article, IKEA chief officer Steve Howard takes the view that it is a perfect time to starts solar push due to the currently cheaper price of solar panels and government’s financial sponsors. Obviously, it is a wise market decision based on the analysis of market from a long-term perspective.

Accordingly, “IKEA presents itself as a green company with a social mission.” The executives of IKEA Group mentioned that they refused waste while reducing carbon-dioxide emissions, and they attempt to provide a chance for people to furnish like the rich. Indeed, Cheap, stylish, those terms are closely related to the brand IKEA in customers’ mind. The success of IKEA cannot be summarized just in 200 words but the key points – right positioning, concentrated customers targeting- is really sightworthy. IKEA focus on sustainability, environmental protection, and they always make new strategy according to the needs of their target customers. Getting into the mind of customers in the market is supposed to be one of their key strategies.

Here is video about IKEA’s new market decision: selling solar panels

Sources Links:

IKEA starts solar push in Britain

The secret of IKEA’s success. (Here is a detailed analysis of why IKEA is succeed.)

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